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The Fake Fiance Groom_Texas Titan Romances_The Legendary Kent Brother Romances Read online

Page 12

  “Nope. You were thinking about Dad, weren’t you?” He let out a light laugh. “I’ve seen that look in the mirror a hundred times. The old man is hard.”

  “Yes, he is.”

  Her brother hesitated. “Especially after Dad snagged that part for you?”

  Confusion filled her. “What?”

  “Never mind,” her brother said quickly, wincing and slugging back a drink. “Dang it.”

  Scarlett fixed him with an accusing stare. Her heart kicked up a notch. “What?” she repeated.

  “Uhh.” He closed his eyes for a sec.

  “He got me that part in Cherished?” she whispered. Under her skin, rage began to boil.

  Her brother flashed his eyes open and put his hand on her shoulder, turning her toward the bar, acting like she was a bomb about to explode and he needed to smother it. “You are a great actress, Scarlett. He just … you were so depressed after Kurt and Marissa, and …”

  She swore and tried to breathe and tell herself that this wasn’t a big deal. It felt like a big deal.

  “You know how he is. How controlling he is,” her brother said softly. “It’s okay, sis. It doesn’t reflect on you. You’re a great actress.”

  The more he said it, the more she doubted it.

  Her brother put his arm around her. “Hey, if it makes you feel better, he single-handedly got me into Harvard Law, and you know I wouldn’t have the job I have without being his son.”

  She studied her brother and saw the vulnerability in him. Gently, she reached out and put her hand on his cheek. “We Powerses have a hard time trusting in our own abilities, don’t we?” She thought of what Walker had said to her last night.

  Brent looked confused, then grunted. “That’s a good way of putting it.”

  “You don’t have to keep working with Dad. You could do anything you wanted.” She sighed. “And I could really make a stand and not agree to a movie part if Dad is at all involved, couldn’t I?” But even as she said it, she didn’t know if she would get the parts. She’d thought she’d gotten the last part on her own.

  Letting out a soft sigh, her brother grinned. “I’m just hoping Charlene and I can do it differently with our kids, ya know?”

  Scarlett imagined her brother having kids, thought about herself having kids. Somehow, Walker popped up into that picture, helping his son throw a football, having a tea party with her daughter. It was crazy how much that thought threw her off.

  Walker Kent meant more to her than she could’ve imagined at the beginning of this whole fake fiancé thing. Maybe he was starting to care for her, but how did she trust anything?

  And there were pages of women on his arm from this past year.

  She and her brother both stood together, saying nothing, just having a moment. It was nice.

  Brent shook his head. “Something’s going on with dad, though.” He winced. “I don’t know what it is, but it just …” he trailed.

  “What?” She turned to him, thinking about how her father had kept saying he needed to talk to her.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know, but sometimes, lately, I’ll just like catch him … like looking sad or something.” Turning to her he seemed uncomfortable. “It’s weird.”

  Feeling like that was ridiculous she shook her head. “Probably sad he can’t find more ways to interfere with my life.”

  Brent cocked an eyebrow. “Scarlett, he does love you.”

  She began to protest.

  Brent held up his hand. “I know what he is, but … he does love you.”

  She didn’t know what to say.

  “I’ll tell ya, sis,” Brent said after a moment. “I didn’t know what to think when you brought Walker Kent to our door, but I like the guy.”

  This warmed her. “Good.”

  Cocking an eyebrow at her, he smiled. “Let’s get me through this wedding.”

  Once again, she wondered if she should have told her brother about the cancer. She thought about the follow-up appointment she had in a couple of days to find out about the latest lab results. Fear coursed through her. What would she do if it came back?

  “Here they are.” Brent waved at Charlene, who headed toward them.

  Turning, Scarlett saw everyone walk in together. What surprised her was the way Tami had locked arms with Walker. He gave her a little shrug and a look like, “What do you do?”

  It was nice to see him so casual and getting along with everyone, even though Tami had clearly decided she liked Walker. Not that she had to be with Victor because they were both part of the wedding party, but still, Scarlett didn’t like Walker with anyone except her. It made her smile to notice she was actually feeling jealous.

  As the group reached them, Scarlett noticed that this time Kurt wasn’t ignoring her at all. He was giving her an intense look, grave and serious and pensive, like the night he’d told her he wanted to call it quits.

  Walker looked at Kurt, then to her. He carefully took Tami’s hand off his arm and moved to Scarlett’s side. “Hey.”

  Again, it was strange that Walker was “doting” even though she hadn’t told him she needed him or anything.

  Her father was there, dressed in his casual khakis and a blue shirt with a sweater around his shoulders. He looked like a Land’s End commercial. Liz clung to his arm.

  Her father gestured to the dock. “Everyone, please move outside. Tonight we are lucky to have had the girls plan a luau for us.”

  “A luau?” Walker asked, falling into step beside Scarlett and casually taking her hand.

  She flashed a grin and leaned into him. “We can dance again.”

  His eyebrows lowered in a seductive look. “Getting to hold you close sounds real nice.”

  Butterflies thrummed through her. It was crazy how attracted she was to him.

  As everyone assumed the same seats as the night before, Scarlett considered the situation. When they’d started this charade, it had all been to prove something. But now, staring at his gorgeous face, she knew she was falling. His facial hair had grown out to that perfect sexy level of stubble. His blond hair was gelled all messily, and his ice-blue eyes matched the sleeveless button-down shirt he wore. He also had a necklace that looked Hawaiian or something. The smell of Irish spring soap was strong. She smiled at him. “What is that smell?”

  The dancers arrived just then, swarming onto the beach as the music grew even louder.

  Furrowing his brow, Walker asked, “What smell?”

  She leaned closer. “Your smell.”

  “Oh.” He gave her a little shrug, and they finally reached the table. He whispered in her ear, tickling her with his breath. “I just smell that good. It’s the Walker Kent scent.”

  She giggled. “Oh, where can I buy it?”

  “Sorry, not out to the public yet.”

  Sexy. That was the only way to describe this man. Rolling her eyes, she tried not to show the effect he had on her, but it was pointless. She felt herself pulled to him by this irresistible attraction and leaned even closer, taking in a whiff of him.

  “That’ll cost ya,” he said, his lips lightly touching hers. “Just one more.” His hand gently cupped her face, and he kissed her again, but not for long, pulling back quickly.

  She had to ask him the question that had been niggling her since the date last night. The question that had made her toss and turn with his ice-blue eyes haunting her. “Is this a relationship?” Had she just asked that? It was so vulnerable, so on the spot.

  “I think it is.” Gently, his lips brushed against hers, and she put her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. His hand cupped her face.

  The kiss was sweet and pensive and perfectly soft. The music and the dancers and everyone faded into the background. For one moment, everything in her life felt like it could be different. She might be able to trust someone; she might be able to have this man in her life.

  “Man, could you get a room, please?”

  Scarlett and Walker turned to look at Kurt and adjust
ed their positions in their chairs to face forward. Her heart rate was racing, and she knew she was blushing.

  Kurt and Marissa both stared at her with disgust, but as she looked around, she noticed it wasn’t just Kurt looking at them—it was everyone. Her mind whirled as she went from face to face. Victor fist-punched the air at Walker. Tami gave her a jealous look and then sighed and swooned, her eyes shifting to Walker. Her brother and Charlene were holding hands on the table and grinning like fools at her. Of course, her father and Liz were scowling.

  “Well,” Charlene said. “Surprise, we have fire dancers too!”

  Everyone clapped and laughed.

  Charlene signaled to a guy who ran out with a bunch of guys with leaves all over them and torches in their hands. All of them watched as the guys set each other on fire and then smothered it out. They threw balls of fire into the air in an display that made Charlene beam with excitement.

  Walker’s hand took Scarlett’s. She turned to him, and he leaned in close to her ear. “I missed you today.”

  “Me too,” she confessed.

  Trays of food came out and were placed along a table set up next to them. The man in charge of the food announced, “Please, eat when you like.”

  The dancing continued as they all went and piled their plates. Every little touch with Walker felt like it contained a loaded charge.

  As they headed back to the table, Charlene caught Scarlett’s arm and whispered, “You two look so in love. It makes me so happy for you.”

  Flutters went through Scarlett, and she smiled at Charlene. “We are.” The words stunned her because she realized they were true.

  Charlene giggled. “Look at you, all googly-eyed. The man is handsome.” She winked. “Don’t tell your brother I said that.”

  Scarlett felt a surge of warmth as she watched Charlene go back to her brother’s side.

  Everyone started eating. The show was fun, and most importantly, it seemed like her brother and Charlene loved it.

  Walker pulled out his phone, distracting her. She hoped everything was okay.

  Then her phone buzzed. Turning her phone over, she saw the text was from Walker. Since I haven’t had a chance to tell you—you look amazing.

  Her heart fluttered again. She smiled and looked around. No one was noticing what they were doing because they were all watching the show. She texted him back. The kisses kind of gave away what you were thinking. She wasn’t good at flirting or winging it. Part of what she loved about being an actress that she always had lines.

  I want to be on the Ferris wheel again, he texted.

  She smiled. Me too.

  I know we can’t leave right now, but can we talk later?

  The thought of breaking away from the group and going with him alone again sent her pulse racing. She knew she was blushing. Yes.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” Kurt said, leaning across Marissa to whisper to Scarlett. “Please don’t be distracted. Pay attention to the dancers. It’s not polite.”

  They both looked up at him.

  Kurt’s arms were crossed, and he looked ticked. It was a different kind of ticked. The kind that wasn’t bratty, but fatherly. Not jealous. It was a weird look, like he had a secret he wasn’t telling her. Crazy.

  Walker shot Kurt a look that said he would rip his throat out.

  Kurt scowled at him. “All you’ll ever be is a make-out buddy to her.”

  Stunned, she threw up her hands. “What are you doing?”

  Kurt leaned forward. His eyes locked with hers. “A guy like that isn’t for you.”

  Okay, she was done with this. She was done with Kurt and his snide comments and his supposed license to be a jerk. Anger pulsed through her, and she said, “Kurt. In the dining hall. Now.” Her voice wasn’t loud, but it was sharp. Not that anyone besides Marissa and Kurt and Walker could hear her.

  Kurt grinned a very satisfied grin. “Fine.”

  Scarlett was up and moving to the dining room, and Kurt was moving with her. She looked back and saw Walker standing, but she waved him back.

  Kurt was right by her side, talking fast before she could even get all the way to the dining room. “Look, I’m sorry.”

  Scarlett fumed, leading him toward a corner for some privacy. “Kurt, you need to knock it off.”

  His hand rested on hers. “Lettie, I know. I’m sorry. I just got a call a little bit ago from our old doctor. It appears they contacted me because I was still listed as an emergency contact for you.” He sighed. “How could you not tell us about the cancer?”

  Chapter 20

  Walker sat sipping his Hawaiian something punch and watched Scarlett from the corner of his eye. He could barely see her and Kurt through a window. They were having an animated conversation, and it unsettled him that he was so invested in this little talk of theirs. What was happening? Was Kurt being a jerk to her?

  He clenched his fist. If Kurt did something to hurt her, he was gonna get it. He had the sneaking suspicion that the guy wanted her back. Didn’t most jerk faces get even worse when they were fighting for the woman they loved?

  Marissa slunk into the chair next to him. “He wants her back, doesn’t he?”

  Walker was careful not to give anything away. Leaning back, he took another sip of his drink. “I don’t know. Maybe they’re just hashing out old crap.”

  She barked out a laugh. “Yeah. They have a lifetime of crap. That’s why I’m thinking I was just something to be added to that list of crap of stuff between them. The key is them.”

  He didn’t like what she was saying.

  Marissa glanced at him. “Sorry. I guess that means you and I will be on the same list.”

  Brent turned and gave Walker a worried look, then lifted his eyebrows in question.

  Walker shook his head, but his worry turned up a notch. Was her brother worried about her talking to Kurt?

  “I think Kurt is worried she’s been keeping secrets,” Marissa said.

  “What?” Walker scowled. He didn’t like the snide way she said it. Heck, he didn’t like the fact she was using the word “secrets” at all.

  Marissa snorted. “Do you have secrets?” When he didn’t respond, she let out a derisive laugh. “I would think you do. I mean, you guys seem so close, right?”

  “We are close.” It came out defensive, and he hated that he felt that way.

  Looking skeptical, she gave an impish smile. “It’s your story. I’ll let you tell it.”

  Irritation coursed through him. Before, he couldn’t really see Marissa as anything more than a victim, having the misfortune of being Kurt’s fiancée, but now, he saw jealousy in her eyes.

  It felt like she was testing him somehow.

  His heart rate pounded like a thousand elephants stomping around in the Amazon, but he stayed still. “Anything you want to tell me?”

  The fire in Marissa’s eyes dimmed. Leaning back, she looked miserable. “Oh no, I’m sure you know it all.” She shrugged. “All I know is Kurt’s really mad at her.”

  Walker turned to see them in the window, still talking animatedly.

  “Bro!” he heard someone call out.

  He turned and saw his brother Grant approaching the table. He wore a white shirt and khaki pants, but his hair was in dreadlocks and his skin was very tanned.

  Walker was confused, but stood and took a couple of steps to meet him. “Man, you look like Aquaman.”

  They embraced. It felt so good to have Grant pounding on his back.

  Grant flashed him a smile. “I think you get bigger every time I see you.”

  Walker playfully punched him the shoulder, forgetting the drama of the night for a moment. “You’re not the smallest guy around.” Truthfully, they were a pretty even match, except Walker had about thirty pounds and an inch on him. Grant was tough, though, and he was a Kent.

  Grant went into play-boxing mode and did a one-two at him. Walker dodged and playfully punched him in the gut. Pretending it hurt, Grant clutched at his “wound.”

  “What have we here?” Liz slunk up next to him, staring at Grant in an even more sultry way than she had stared at Walker the first time he’d met her. “Grant Kent. One of my favorite movie stars.” She put her hand out to him in the same manner she greeted all the peasants.

  Graciously, Grant took her hand and kissed the back of it. “You must be Liz.” He let her hand go.

  Tyrone gravitated to his wife’s side, putting his hand out. “Grant, nice you could make it.”

  Grant shook his hand. “Tyrone, thanks for having me.”

  In an epiphany, Walker noticed the exact thing he and Scarlett had been talking about the night before in regards to her behavior with her father. This was all acting. Grant had slipped completely into “fake” mode.

  Tyrone pulled his hand back and looked from Walker, then back to Grant. “I was just talking to the producer of Cherished last night. You did an outstanding job.”

  Grant nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

  It bugged Walker that his brother played this game. Everyone had to, he knew that, but it was sad. And stupid. Walker never would have imagined himself in this position, worried about whether a billionaire movie tycoon liked him or not. But he did like Scarlett.

  Scarlett! Turning, he tried to catch a glimpse of her, but his vision was blocked. “Excuse me,” he said to Grant and Tyrone. Taking a couple of steps up the dock, Walker strained to look until the window came into view again, but what he saw did not make him happy.

  Chapter 21

  When Scarlett pulled Kurt into the side area, right off the dining room and went to rip into him for acting like a jealous idiot, she was unprepared for this topic. She didn’t reply right away, couldn’t think of how to respond. Every part of her was numb. He knew.

  “Lettie,” Kurt said again, his lip trembling and tears bubbling into his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me? I got a call from your doctor here in L.A. He tells me your results are in, and they’re not good?” He blinked and then swore. “Why didn’t you tell me you had cancer?”

  Cringing, she turned away from him. “I can’t believe they called you.”


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