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The Fake Fiance Groom_Texas Titan Romances_The Legendary Kent Brother Romances Read online
Page 13
“Scarlett?” He moved into her line of vision. “Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice was shaky.
She smothered the twinge of guilt she felt upon realizing he cared. “Because you’re not my boyfriend anymore.”
He glared at her. “That’s not fair.”
“It’s exactly fair. You lost all rights when you got together with my best friend!” She was yelling and pointing at him, like a drain faucet had been turned on and the rage was all rushing out at once. “You cheated on me! You lied to me! You and my best friend!”
Lamely, Kurt wiped at a tear running down his face. “I know. I know. I messed up. I’m sorry, Lettie. I’m so sorry. And I’ve known I messed up. I knew it. The moment I saw you the other night, I just wanted to …” He closed his eyes, rubbing a hand over his face. “I just wanted to kick something because I haven’t been able to get my mind off of you. I’ve pushed all those feelings away because I messed up so bad. I haven’t wanted to hurt Marissa, and …”
Tears ran down her cheeks, and she brushed them away angrily. “No! No! You don’t get to do this. You don’t get to act like I should feel bad for you. You were everything to me. I loved you since we were children and …” She thought of how hollow she’d felt for so long. Truly, until the past few days, it was like she’d been living her life in a silent, muted movie. One of those old ones with Charlie Chaplin. Being with Walker had changed everything. She could hear and laugh and joke and not think of all the awful things in her life. Not obsess about the cancer. Not feel sorry for herself. She’d been flying on the Ferris wheel with Walker. Now, she was reminded of all the bad.
Kurt took her hand. She tried to yank it back, but he held on. “Scarlett, I messed up, but I want to quit messing up. I still love you.” He blinked. “I’ve always loved you. I just screwed up. Big time.”
Scarlett thought of all the nights she’d longed to hear him call and say this to her. All the times she’d wished for this. “I can’t do this.” Something let loose inside her chest, like a chain had been broken. “I don’t love you anymore, Kurt.”
Before she knew what was happening, he crossed the distance between them and kissed her. She resisted, but one hand went around her waist and one on the back of her head, pulling her into him. She remembered all the times they’d kissed before. She remembered their first kiss. Remembered being in love with him since she was little. Remembered how she’d thought she would marry him.
With both of her hands, she shoved at his chest, and he let go. “How dare you?” she snarled, gulping in air.
He pointed at her. “You still have feelings for me. You can’t deny it!”
His accusation was the last straw. In a moment of clarity, she felt as if she were playing a part, and the next logical thing her character would do was slap him. So that’s what she did, hard and fast across the face.
Kurt’s hand covered his cheek. “You know you love me too!”
Pulling back, she saw the stunned look on Walker’s face. Pain ripped through her, and she stumbled.
Kurt moved to grab her. “Scarlett, are you okay?”
Walker was faster, sweeping her up before she could hit the ground. “Get your hands off of her.”
Kurt let her go into Walker’s arms, and Scarlett felt a bit woozy.
Grant’s face loomed up over her. “Whoa, what’s going on?”
She smiled at him. “You’re here?”
Grant put his hand on her forearm. “Are you okay?”
But they didn’t have time for chatter. Brent, Charlene, Tami, Victor, her father, and Liz all filed into the room. “What’s going on?” her father demanded.
Scarlett summoned all of her strength and righted herself. “Nothing.
Her father hesitated, evaluating her. “No, something is wrong with you.”
“She has cancer,” Kurt said. “She’s been hiding it.”
Scarlett scowled at him, feeling childish. “You were always a tattletale,” she said scornfully.
“What?” Her father paled and then put his hand on his stomach. “Is this true?”
Brent stepped forward. “Scar?” he asked, going to her. Walker let Brent close, and Brent put a hand on her shoulder.
The rest of them started asking questions and pressing in on her, until Walker put his arm out. “Now just back up. Back up, everybody!” he ordered. “Give her some space.”
But they all kept fighting, and her father stomped his foot in the mess of it. “I want answers!”
Charlene went to Tyrone’s side, gently put a hand on his arm. “Tyrone, calm down. Let her talk.”
Liz reared on Charlene. “Get your hands off him!” She looked like she wanted to fight.
“Don’t talk to her that way!” Brent thundered at Liz.
Chaos ensued again, with Walker trying to pull Scarlett close to him.
The surprising thing was when Marissa walked into the room and clapped her hands together, staring at Scarlett. Tears were in her eyes, making Scarlett wonder how much she’d seen or heard from Kurt’s little confession. “That’s not the real news, though, is it, Scar?”
Kurt moved toward Marissa. “What are you doing?” he said in an angry tone. He tried to put his hand out to her, and she yanked it back.
Marissa turned to face the group, and she wiped her hand over her tear-streaked face. “The real news is that this whole thing with Walker is fake.”
There was stunned silence. The whole room seemed to sigh, and her father’s glare hit her the hardest. Liz looked like she’d known it the whole time. She crossed her arms and let out a laugh.
Brent looked between her and Walker, crestfallen. “Is this true? Was your engagement fake?”
Marissa turned accusingly to her. “Yeah. She said she didn’t want to steal the wedding, and now she’s stolen the whole show.”
“Hey, that’s not fair,” Kurt retorted.
Marissa jabbed her finger at him. Her voice was controlled, but tears streamed down her cheeks. “Don’t talk to me. I thought we had something. You said she was the one you were filling time with all these years, and I was the real one.” She let out a bitter laugh. “I guess it wasn’t true.” She rushed out of the room, pushing through people to get to the door.
There was a moment of silence, until Scarlett’s father let out a loud laugh. Startled, she turned to him. It sounded off.
He clapped his hands loudly. “This is the greatest scene I have ever witnessed—my daughter having cancer, then lying to us all, fooling us all. You can’t write better stuff.” He moved to her. “All these years, I didn’t think you could really pull off any role. I guess the sick girl and the love triangle is one you got covered.”
Chapter 22
Walker put himself between her father and Scarlett. “That’s enough.” He assumed the “at ease” position, but adrenaline pumped through his veins, and he was ready for anything.
Her father’s eyes hardened, and his jaw flexed. “You’re an imposter. Please leave.” He turned to Scarlett. “Why didn’t you come to me?” His voice thundered.
“He’s not leaving, Father.” Scarlett’s voice was soft, but she moved to his side. “He’s here as my guest.”
Her father scowled at Walker. “I told you what would happen if you messed with us.”
Grant stepped next to Walker’s other side. “Oh, you mean that you would ruin me? You won’t do that, because you don’t want us to go to the press with this story.”
Her father’s face contorted with anger. He swung to Scarlett. “How dare you put our family in this predicament? How dare you drag the Powers name into this mayhem? You ungrateful child. I got you every part you’ve ever had, and this is how you repay me.” He rubbed at his face with a shaking hand. “I protected you when your mother died.”
Now Scarlett shouted. “You hated her! You cheated on her!” She let out a sob and pointed to Liz. “You brought her into our family right after Mother died.”
p it!” Her father hollered, putting up his hands. He grabbed at his chest, and Walker wondered if the man would keel over. “Just stop this!” Her father trembled. “I’ve been trying to talk to you, to tell you!”
Liz took his arm. “Tyrone, are you okay?”
“Don’t!” He shrugged her off.
Brent put his hand on his father’s shoulder. “Dad …”
Her father put his hand up and turned to Liz. “Tell them the truth.”
Liz looked upset. “Don’t do this here.”
“Please.” He reached out to steady himself on Brent.
Liz’s lip twitched and she shook her head. “It’s fake.”
All of them stared at her. “What are you talking about?” Scarlett asked.
Her father squeezed his eyes shut, then let out a breath. “The Tyrone fortune was crumbling, and Liz …”
Liz grunted and crossed her arms. “I have money.”
Walker’s mind was spinning. This made no sense.
“I wanted to marry him,” Liz said with a shrug, “but he never would, until his money was gone.”
Brent turned to his father. “How … what?”
Tyrone shook his head. “I made some bad investments, and Liz bailed us out.” His face crumbled to sadness. He turned to Scarlett, then Brent. “I’m so sorry I failed you.”
No one spoke for a few moments. Walker looked back, dizzy from this soap opera family, and saw the stunned horror on Scarlett’s face as tears trickled down her cheeks. “So none of it’s real?” she asked. “Nothing was real?”
Her father shrugged, nodding at Walker. He blinked and looked out of sorts. “I-I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?”
Walker couldn’t believe this. “Are you comparing yourself to Scarlett?”
Her father threw up his hands. “I’m a fake, so I guess it fits.”
Scarlett’s face hardened, and she glared at her father. “You’re right. Everything between Walker and me was fake. Everything between you and me is fake. None of my professional life was my own, so I guess I’m just a fake, too.”
Walker didn’t like the way this had gone down. He took her hand, but she yanked it away, not even looking at him. “I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I can’t.”
Kurt moved next to her. “I was never fake, Scarlett. I still love you.”
“Go away, Kurt.” Scarlett broke free from the group and headed for the door.
Kurt wouldn’t let her go. “Scarlett—” He took her hand. “No.”
She tried to yank her hand back. “Stay away.”
Unable to stop himself, Walker crossed to Kurt and put a hand on his shoulder, pulling him back. “Leave her alone, man.”
Kurt turned. His eyes were fierce, and before Walker knew it, Kurt was throwing a punch.
Of course, the punch was lazy and civil and almost in slow motion. Walker simply sidestepped and pushed the guy down.
Kurt didn’t stay down. He got up and went after Walker all messily, going at him with his head first in what Walker recognized as really bad football form.
Once again, Walker sidestepped and pushed him down. Kurt ended up falling and smashing his face to the ground pretty hard. His nose started bleeding.
“Stop it!” Scarlett rushed to Kurt’s side.
Walker was ticked. “What do you want, Scarlett?”
She touched the blood on Kurt’s head.
“Scarlett?” Walker asked his voice softer.
She yanked part of the bottom of her dress and used it to wipe at Kurt’s nose. “I can’t believe this. I’m a fake. We were fake. Just go!”
Feeling like a crazed animal, Walker didn’t remember rushing out, didn’t remember going into a run on the same trail he’d been at yesterday morning, the same trail where Marissa had, in fact, been eavesdropping on his conversation with Grant.
As if summoned by Walker’s thoughts, Grant caught up, falling into pace with him. “Dude, slow up. Let’s talk.”
Walker was done talking. All he knew was that he would finish this little charade. Then he would be out and rowing at his lake house. “Go back! I need some air!” He kicked up his speed, and Grant was left in the dust.
Chapter 23
If someone had told Scarlett even yesterday afternoon that she’d be stressing the most about Walker Kent and whether he would show up for wedding pictures, she would have laughed her butt off.
She stewed in her remorse as she let the hair-and-makeup girl for the bridesmaids weave little braids in her hair, giving it the appearance of having a tiara. Since having her hair and makeup professionally done on every movie set every day was a normal thing for her, she zoned out.
She wished she wouldn’t have said those words to Walker—we were fake. She didn’t feel that way. The problem was that the cancer wasn’t fake. It scared the crap out of her.
But she tried to focus on right now. She had to talk to Walker. Last night, she’d texted him a hundred times, but he didn’t respond. She didn’t know if he would be there, if he would come.
A knock at her door brought her back to the present just before Charlene entered the room.
Scarlett turned. Charlene was stunning. More than stunning. The dress was elegantly done in Queen Anne style. It hugged her hips and flared down with layers of tulle. Her makeup was perfect. Her brunette curls languidly fell down around her shoulders. She was picturesque.
“You look amazing.” Scarlett stood, not caring if she was messing up the hair.
Charlene hugged her. She pulled back, and Scarlett saw a sheen of tears in her eyes. “You look amazing.”
“No, you look amazing.” Scarlett laughed to fend off her own tears. “I’m so happy for you and my brother.” She hugged her again, meaning every word. “And I’m so sorry for all that crap last night.”
Charlene pulled her in closer, holding her tighter before letting her go and blinking. “I want us to be like sisters. I want to be there for you. I love you. I’ve let planning the wedding be this crazy thing the past year, but you are so important to Brent. He loves you so much, and you are so important to me.”
Scarlett’s heart warmed at the love from her almost sister-in-law. “You’re important to me too. I should have told you and Brent. I should have—”
Charlene cleared her throat and smiled, gently wiping a tear on Scarlett’s cheek. “Nope, not today. We’ll figure all this out later, but today, we just love each other. We’re here for you, Scarlett. No matter what.”
Scarlett nodded in gratitude. Then fear hit her, and she thought of Walker.
Charlene gently put a hand on her face. “He’s here. He’s staying for the wedding, and we have photos in just a few minutes.” Charlene pointed to her chair. “Now sit down and let them finish prettying you up.”
Scarlett nodded and sat as Charlene left. Scarlett’s stomach was going insane with crazy butterflies. He was here. He was here. He was still here.
Chapter 24
Walker did the dog and pony press show with pictures of the wedding party. To his surprise, everyone was there. Even Kurt and Marissa.
Grant stood on the edges of the party, his hands in his pockets, alert. It felt like he was ready to fight if Walker needed backup, and Walker appreciated that.
Sure, after the big blowout last night, Walker had taken a run. How long had he run? Who knew—five, ten miles? He just ran until he could deal with it all. At the end of the run, he knew what he would do: complete the mission and be gone forever.
This morning, there had been no interaction with Scarlett. He’d put on his soldier face and pretty much ignored her, except for posing for the pictures. Who cared about this? Who cared about how much he’d actually cared for this woman? He hadn’t really been falling for her. No, he’d been infatuated. That was it. She’d been his time filler. Now, he would get a nice and tidy deed for the lake house and go back and row.
The thought didn’t sound so appealing anymore.
Last night, Walker had had a mil
lion dreams about Scarlett. About being in the helicopter with her, about laughing and riding the Ferris wheel, about building sandcastles on the beach. The worst dream had been the one in which he’d been on the beach of her lake house, barbecuing with all of his brothers and their families. He’d been at the grill, but this time, when she’d wrapped her arms around his back, she’d felt different.
When she’d turned to face him, she’d been pregnant. Happiness had surged through him. He’d lifted her and twirled her, and she’d laughed. Then he’d kissed her, and it’d felt like the most true and real and wonderful thing he could ever imagine.
He’d woken up abruptly and lay there, staring at the ceiling of the cabin as emptiness swallowed him up again. He’d remembered her saying it had all been fake.
So he would finish the mission. He would finish this, and he would be done. He would go back to … what?
Presently, he did a pose, holding the best man by his feet. All of the groomsmen put on fake happy expressions.
Yep, this was what this life was. This was what everything had been the past few days—fake.
After the pictures, he left the group, not bothering to look at Scarlett, who had been nothing but an “actress” all morning.
He and Grant walked toward the area where all the chairs were set up for the ceremony on the beach. It wouldn’t be long before this was finished. This whole thing would be over.
Grant gestured to the resort restaurant. “Let’s go chill and talk for a bit. It’s going to be an hour before it starts.”
Walker stood with Grant at the bar by the dock, and Grant got them two waters. Both of them drank deeply. The day was already hot, and this tuxedo didn’t help.
Grant leaned on the bar next to him. His dreadlocks brushed against Walker’s shoulder. He was focused, analyzing him. “What are you doing to do?”
Walker let out an annoyed laugh. “I’m going to stay for the ceremony, get a dance, then I’m going to walk away.”
Grant sized him up. “Look, I don’t know what happened the past couple of days between the two of you, but I know you were pretty upset she called it fake last night.”